Thornburgh is a captivating story that intertwines three tales of loyalty, trust, and friendship. It all started with a small picket fence surrounding a dog's grave on the grounds of a historical site in Wyoming. My curiosity led to a two-year journey of discovery, resulting in an incredible story that is now available for purchase on my website and at select locations.
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What are people saying about Thornburgh?

Photo: Jeanna Carley
I'm writing to tell you how much I enjoyed Thornburgh. I appreciate the thoroughness of your research and I marvel are your clever, evocative descriptions. Where in the world do you find the words to bring such lively images to mind?! - GR, Nebraska Reader
...heroes are everywhere, including behind the keyboard of a computer, making sure a little-known story gets told. - MVL Florida Reader
I felt like I was saying goodbye to old friends upon finishing the book. - MS, Wisconsin Reader
First time I have ever read a book in one day! - AL, Missouri Reader
Thornburgh is wonderful! I read all the time, so I should know!" - PC, Tennessee Reader
I love the cover and everything about it! - MP, Fort Bridger WY
Thank you for your genius shared. - MP, Illinois Reader
I just finished reading it and I think I'll start again - afraid I might have missed something!
- PV, East Tennessee Reader
My wife Pat read your book first in September. She finished it on September 28th only to notice that Thornburgh died on September 27, 1888. This was so significant to us because we had put our 16 year old dachshund down the day before, September 27. Oskie was a great little dog and we miss him very much. I finished the book yesterday and enjoyed it thoroughly. - EP, Minnesota Reader
Book Signing Fort Bridger, Wyoming
The Rendezvous is a yearly event that attracts over 30,000 people. At Fort Bridger, visitors can pay their respects to Thornburgh, a dog with an amazing story. It was an honor for me to introduce Thornburgh to those who were not familiar with his tale. Since writing about him, I have made many new friends who have contributed to my adventure. I highly recommend visiting Fort Bridger and reading the book about Thornburgh before you go.